Revised:   02/16/2021

Commitment Control Ledgers Overview

The Commitment Control Ledgers (CC) are tightly integrated with the General Ledger, but is used for budgetary control. It is the structure and rules setup that defines the budget checking process.


Commitment Control is also a:

Commitment Control limits spending by comparing the actual expense or expenditure against approved annual appropriations and includes pre-encumbrances (requisitions), encumbrances (purchase orders) and expenditures (vouchers). For some funds, CC checks to see if there is available funding before a valid budget status can be achieved in order to ensure that commitments and expenditures do not exceed total budgets.



Commitment Control Ledger Groups

Commitment Control ledgers are actually found in ledger groups; these groups contain ledgers specific to the type of transaction undertaken in OAKS FIN. There are both expense ledger groups and revenue ledger groups.


Expense Ledger Groups

Expense ledger groups consist of three basic types of ledgers, identified by their suffix:

Ledger Type Suffix Purpose
Budget BUD Stores the budget used in budget checking. The budget is set up at the beginning of the fiscal year and remains fairly static throughout (unless there are Controlling Board or legislative actions that impact the budget)  
Encumbrance ENC PO and Travel Authorization processing  
Expenditure EXP Expense processing  



The name of these ledgers within each group may not necessarily mimic the ledger group name. Expense ledger groups have a specific budget period: the fiscal year. Any exceptions to the fiscal year budget period will be noted.


Ledger Group Ledger Group Name Ledger Types Included

Budget Period

Level of Control

Commitment Control Security Role    Description  
Appropriation CC_APPROP All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_APR_BUD; CC_APR_ENC; CC_APR_EXP.




(OBM only)

It is the highest level in the budget and is set on the authority of the legislature. This ledger group is the parent budget of the allotment.

This ledger group is connected to the following Chart Fields: Fund, ALI, Account, and Department.

Allotment CC_ALLOT All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_ALT_BUD; CC_ALT_ENC; CC_ALT_EXP.

Quarterly for Payroll & Subsidies and Shared Revenue (e.g., “2018Q1”)


Annual for all other (e.g., “2018”)







(OBM only)



(OBM only)



This ledger group breaks down the appropriation budget into several different allotments at a lower level. This ledger group is the child budget of the appropriation, which basically means the child budget cannot overspend what the parent budget provides.

This ledger group is connected to the following Chart Fields: Fund, ALI, Account, and Department.

The appropriation and allotment ledger groups are the only ledger groups with a parent/child relationship.

Agency Tracking CC_AGY_TRK All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_ATR_BUD; CC_ATR_ENC; CC_ATR_EXP.


Track with budget or

Track without budget





(OBM only)



(OBM only)



This ledger group is “lower” than the allotment level, based on agency-selected rule sets.

In the CC_AGY_TRK ledger group, if an expenditure transaction goes over its budgeted amount, a warning will be issued. However, the expenditure will still go through.  

For Track with budget, the only instance where an error is issued is when there is no ChartField string identified within the agency tracking ledger group. In that case the transaction will be stopped (“No Budget Exists”).

This ledger group is connected to the following ChartFields: Fund, ALI, Account, Department, Program (in some rulesets) and Reporting (in some rulesets).

Agency Control CC_AGY_CTL All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_ACT_BUD; CC_ACT_ENC; CC_ACT_EXP.  







(OBM only)



(OBM only)

The Agency Control ledger group and is essentially the same as the CC_AGY_TRK. The only difference is that if an expenditure transaction goes over its budgeted amount, it will fail to go through.  

This ledger group is connected to the following Chart Fields: Fund, ALI, Account, Department, Program (in some rulesets) and Budget Reference (in some rulesets).

Cash Control CC_CASH

There are only two expense ledger types included in this ledger group: CC_CSH_BUD; CC_CSH_EXP.


  • This is because cash is not impacted by encumbrances (ENC).




(OBM only)

The Cash Control ledger group and is always impacted when an expenditure transaction is made.  This ledger ensures that there’s cash available in the fund for an expenditure transaction. If there is not enough cash available, it will stop the transaction.  

The “formula” used by CC_CASH is:

Beginning cash balance

+ Revenue Collected (cash that has been deposited)

- Expenses (any voucher that has passed budget check)

Available cash balance

Grant CC_GRNT1

All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_GR1_BUD; CC_GR1_ENC; CC_GR1_EXP.


Control, Track, or

Track without budget





(OBM only)



(OBM only)



The Grant ledger group reflects the budget that agencies set up for their federal grants. This ledger group is an exception to the fiscal year budget period; the budget period for this ledger group is the life of the grant.

This ledger group is connected to the following Chart Fields: Fund, Department, Grant/Project.

Project Budget CC_PROJ1

All three expense ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_PR1_BUD; CC_PR1_ENC; CC_PR1_EXP.


Control, Track, or

Track without budget





(OBM only)



(OBM only)


The project budget group is how agencies track expenditures on a capital project. It relates directly to the Project ChartField in OAKS FIN.

This ledger group is connected to the following Chart Fields: Department, Project.


There are only TWO expense ledger types included in this ledger group: CC_DET_ENC; CC_DET_EXP.


Track without budget


 CC_DETAIL is connected to all expenditures and encumbrances. It is connected to any ChartField that is involved with an encumbrance or expenditure transaction.

This is because the CC_DETAIL ledger group does not track budget.  It tracks all expenditure and encumbrance transactions retaining all the ChartField information at the transaction detail level (which is “lower” than the budget level).

There are two more expense ledger groups that are used by the OBM Budget section: CC_MONTH and CC_PLAN.  These ledger groups have limited use for OAKS Financials end users.



Revenue Ledger Groups

For revenue ledger groups there are also three basic types of ledgers, identified by their suffix.


Ledger Type Suffix Purpose
Collected COL Cash has been deposited  


EST Estimated revenue expected for the period  
Recognized REC Revenue that has been recorded but not yet physically received as cash  


The name of these ledgers within each group may not necessarily mimic the ledger group name.


Ledger Group Ledger Group Name Ledger Types Included

Budget Period

Level of Control

Commitment Control

Security Role


Agency Revenue

CC_AGY_REV All three revenue ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_AGY_COL; CC_AGY_EST; CC_AGY_REC

Monthly (e.g., “2017M01”)

Track with budget or Track without budget





(OBM only)



(OBM only)



(OBM only)

This ledger group records revenue by Fund, Account, and Department.  


CC_AGY_REV is an exception to the fiscal year budget period.  


The budget period for this ledger group is one month.




Track with budget or Track without budget


The Cash Revenue ledger group that is used to track collected cash for the CC_CASH budget.  

State Revenue CC_STA_REV All three revenue ledger types are included in this ledger group: CC_STA_COL; CC_STA_EST; CC_STA_REC

Monthly (e.g., “2017M01”)

Track with budget or Track without budget





(OBM only)



(OBM only)


The State Revenue ledger group is essentially the same as the CC_AGY_REV ledger (above) except it is connected to just the Fund and Account Chart Fields.



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